11: Blood Product Administration

Section Eleven Blood Product Administration

PROCEDURE 72 Administration of Blood Products

Robin A. Scott, RN, ND

This procedure contains information on administering red blood cells (RBCs), whole blood, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate.

See Procedures 73 to 76 for information regarding blood filters, massive transfusion, fluid warmers, and blood and fluid pressure infusers.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES (Rosenthal, 2004; Simmons, 2003; Simpson, 2006)

1. The intended recipient must be positively identified before a transfusion is started. This is the single most important step in preventing transfusion reactions.

2. Risks versus benefits need to be explained to the patient. Informed consent is required before a transfusion unless the patient’s condition is emergent.

3. A filter designed to retain blood clots and particles must be used in the transfusion.

4. Verify patency of the patient’s intravenous (IV) line (20- to 18-G or larger is preferred; however, RBCs can be administered through 22- to 25-G catheters).

5. Components should be mixed thoroughly before administration.

6. No medications or solutions should be added to, or transfused concurrently with, blood components except normal saline solution.

7. Lactated Ringer’s solution or other electrolyte solutions containing calcium should never be administered concurrently with a blood component mixed with an anticoagulant containing citrate, because calcium binds to citrate.

8. If the integrity of any component is questioned on visual inspection, it should be returned to the blood bank for further evaluation.

9. If the blood component container is entered for any reason, the component expires after 4 hours at room temperature (20° to 24° C) or after 24 hours if refrigerated at 1° to 6° C (AABB, 2002).

10. All blood or blood components that are not used within 30 minutes must be stored in a monitored refrigerator that has been approved by the blood bank.

11. Blood components can be warmed if clinically indicated during massive transfusion or exchange; warming should be done through the use of an FDA-approved device that will not cause hemolysis.

12. Transfusion reactions can be life threatening and occur with exposure to even a small amount of blood; therefore, transfusions should be started slowly and vital signs should be obtained no more than 15 minutes after the transfusion is started.

13. Transfusions should be completed within 4 hours and before the expiration date/time of the blood component (AABB, 2002).


RBCs, or packed red blood cells (PRBCs), are prepared by removing approximately 250 ml of the plasma from whole blood; therefore, there are no significant amounts of clotting factors or platelets in RBCs. Each unit of RBCs contains 250 to 300 ml. One unit of RBCs can increase an average adult’s hemoglobin by 1 g/dl, and hematocrit can increase by up to 2% to 3% (Rosenthal, 2004).

Procedural Steps

1. Check the expiration date on the blood.

2. Identify the patient according to institutional policy. With another person, compare the information on the blood record with the patient’s identification bracelet.

3. Invert the RBCs gently several times to achieve suspension.

4. Close roller clamp on tubing.

5. Spike one tail of Y-type tubing with 0.9% normal saline solution, and prime the tubing.

6. Spike the second tail of the Y-type tubing with the RBC bag. Ensure the drip chamber is half full and the filter is covered with saline to prevent damage to the blood cells (Figure 72-1).

7. After cleaning the IV port with an alcohol swab, attach the Y tubing to the patient’s IV site and open the roller clamp on the RBCs. A gentle squeeze on the filter helps start the flow of blood.

8. Infuse slowly for the first 15 minutes while observing the patient for reactions. Most serious reactions occur during this time. This step assumes that the patient is not in need of multiple, rapid, life-sustaining transfusions.

9. After 15 minutes, reassess the vital signs and adjust the flow rate to the desired speed if no signs of a transfusion reaction are noted.

10. Continue the assessments of the patient (always include the vital signs) throughout the transfusion as needed, according to the patient’s condition, and the number of units being administered.

11. After the infusion is complete, reassess the vital signs and flush the tubing with normal saline solution. If the transfusion therapy is complete, either discontinue the IV or hang the prescribed solution with new IV tubing.

12. Continue to monitor vital signs for at least 1 hour post transfusion (Simpson, 2006).


Albumin is a circulating protein found in both the serum and the extravascular area. The primary function of albumin is the maintenance of normal colloid oncotic pressure. Albumin solutions are available in 5% and 25% solution concentrations (Baxter Healthcare Corporation, 2003).


Platelets play an important role in blood coagulation and thrombus formation. One unit of platelets can increase an average adult’s platelet count by 5000 platelets per microliter (Rosenthal, 2004). Platelets are obtained through centrifugation of whole blood (Simpson, 2006).


Fresh frozen plasma (also known as FFP, FP, or frozen plasma) contains all the components of plasma, including clotting factors and fibrinogen, of one unit of whole blood (American Red Cross, 2003b; Rosenthal, 2004).


Cryoprecipitate consists of clotting factor VIII (80 to 100 units), von Willebrand factor, fibrinogen (150 to 200 mg), and factor XIII suspended in 10 to 20 ml of plasma (American Red Cross, 2003a; Simpson, 2006).


1. Hemolytic-transfusion reactions occur due to incompatibility between donor and host (Simmons, 2003; Simpson, 2006) can be either immediate or delayed. Acute hemolysis can occur when recipient plasma antibodies react with the donor RBC antigens. Both acute and delayed hemolytic reactions are potentially life-threatening events.

2. Allergic reactions and fever occur in about 1 of every 100 units of blood. These usually occur as a result of the interaction of host antibodies with donor plasma proteins. An allergic reaction is most likely to occur with administration of whole blood or plasma because the plasma contains many antibodies and antigens.

3. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is the most common cause of transfusion-related deaths in recent years. The reaction activates the complement cascade and histamine release leading to pulmonary capillary permeability. This reaction occurs within 4 hours of the initiation of transfusions. Symptoms are the same as those for acute respiratory distress syndrome and may require intubation and mechanical ventilation (Wooldridge-King, 2005).

4. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) occurs when the blood product attacks the body’s tissues. This phenomenon is particularly worrisome in the immunocompromised patient (Simmons, 2003). Signs and symptoms include erythematous rash, liver function abnormalities, and profuse diarrhea. Treatment includes immunosuppression with corticosteroids, fluid and electrolyte replacement, and symptomatic management (Simpson, 2006).

5. Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions. This reaction is reflected by any increase in temperature greater than 1° C (1.8° F) and may be accompanied by chills, headache, and flushing during or after transfusion. Treatment usually consists of stopping the transfusion of the IV line kept patent with normal saline. Administration of antipyretics and diphenhydramine may be ordered if allergic components are present. Blood samples should be drawn and crossmatching repeated (Simmons, 2003; Simpson, 2006).

6. Circulatory overload and pulmonary edema can occur, especially in older adults and patients with congestive heart failure. Close assessment of lung sounds, neck veins, and venous pressures is important in this patient population. Treatment may include administering diuretics and oxygen (Simmons, 2003; Simpson, 2006).

7. Hyperkalemia. As banked RBCs age, hemolysis occurs and potassium is released from the cells.

8. Hypocalcemia is another potential problem caused by a large amount of citrate-containing blood and blood products. Citrate chelates calcium and is a preservative used in many blood products. Normally, this problem is self-limiting and mild because citrate is quickly metabolized by the liver.

9. Infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and human immunodeficiency virus may be transmitted via blood products. Bacterial contamination of donor blood is very rare, although immunosuppressive effects of blood transfusions may lead to increased infection rates after transfusion in immunocompromised patients, such as postoperative patients (Hall, Frawley, Griffith, Forestner, & Minei, 2003).

10. Hypothermia


American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). Circular of information for the use of human blood and blood components, 2002. Retrieved September 30, 2006, from http://www.aabb.org/Documents/About_Blood/Circulars_of_Information/coi0702.pdf

American Red Cross, New England Region. Cryoprecipitate transfusion guidelines, 2003. Retrieved September 25, 2006, from http://www.newenglandblood.org/professional/plasmaguide.htm

American Red Cross, New England Region. Plasma transfusion guidelines, 2003. Retrieved September 25, 2006, from http://www.newenglandblood.org/professional/plasmaguide.htm

American Red Cross, New England Region. Platelet transfusion guidelines, 2003. Retrieved September 25, 2006, from http://www.newenglandblood.org/professional/plateletguide.htm

Baxter Healthcare Corporation. Albumin therapy: Ask an expert, 2003. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from http://www.albumintherapy.com/us/en/ask.html

Beyea S., Majewski C. Blood transfusion in the OR—Are you practicing safely? AORN Journal. 2003;78:1009–1010.

Duguid J., O’Shaughnessy D.F., Atterbury C., Maggs P.B., Murphy M., Thomas D., Yates S., Williamson L.M. Guidelines for the use of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecpitate and cryosupernatant. The British Society for Haemotology. 2004;126:11–18.

Hall G.E., Frawley W.H., Griffith K.E., Forestner J.E., Minei J.P. Allogenic blood transfusion increases the risk of postoperative bacterial infection: A meta-analysis. Journal of Trauma. 2003;54:908–914.

Rosenthal K. Avoiding bad blood: Key steps to safe transfusions. Nursing made incredibly easy. 2004;25:20–28.

Simmons P. A primer for nurses who administer blood products. MEDSURG Nursing. 2003;12:184–191.

Simpson T.R. Transfusion therapy and blood and marrow stem cell transplantation. In: Nettina S.M., Mills E.J. Lippincott manual of nursing practice. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006:962–978.

Wooldridge-King M. Transfusion reaction management. In: Lynn-McHale Wiegand D.J., Carlson K.K. AACN procedure manual for critical care. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2005:1024–1030.

PROCEDURE 73 Blood Filters

Robin A. Scott, RN, ND

SeeProcedure 72for information about specific blood components.


To remove and screen aggregates found in stored blood (clots and debris from blood components) (Moore, 2005; Simpson, 2006). All blood products should be administered through a standard filter (170 to 260 microns), which removes gross fibrin clots from the blood product (AABB, 2002; Simpson, 2006). Blood products may be filtered before release from the blood bank or may be released from the blood bank accompanied by the appropriate filter (Simpson, 2006).

PROCEDURE 74 Massive Transfusion

Robin A. Scott, RN, ND

There is no standard definition of massive blood transfusion. The definition used often in the literature is the replacement of 10 units of blood over a 24-hour period or the replacement of a patient’s circulating blood volume (Hardcastle, 2006). Other definitions may include the need for 4 units of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) within 4 hours with continued major bleeding, the transfusion of 50 units in 48 hours, or the tranfusion of 20 units in 24 hours and blood loss greater than 150 ml/min (Repine, Perkins, Kauvar, & Blackborne, 2006).


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