10: Vascular Access

Section Ten Vascular Access

PROCEDURE 60 Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation

Margo E. Layman, MSN, RN, RNC, CN-A, Jean A. Proehl, RN, MN, CEN, CCRN, FAEN


If the patient has a coagulation disorder, care should be taken to prevent bleeding from unsuccessful venipuncture sites.


1. Apply a tourniquet 5 to 6 inches above the intended site of cannulation. Tuck the tail of the tourniquet under the tourniquet to permit one-handed release as soon as the vein is cannulated.

2. Identify a vein. If the vein is not distended and is easily palpable, lightly pat the area. Have the patient open and close the fist and lower the extremity below the level of the heart. An alternative is to apply a warm pack to help distend a vein. Make the initial venipuncture in the distal extremity to preserve proximal sites for potential later use. If possible, use the nondominant arm so the patient retains use of the dominant hand. Bifurcations are good sites for venipuncture because they are stable and are not prone to roll. Applying multiple tourniquets distally from the most proximal joint or transilluminator may be necessary to visualize a vein in obese or edematous patients (Rosenthal, 2005).

3. Cleanse the skin with an antiseptic solution by using a firm, circular swabbing motion outward from the center of the site. Allow the skin to air dry for 30 seconds (povidone-iodine should be allowed to dry for at least 2 minutes).

4. Inject an intradermal wheal of local anesthetic or saline solution at the intended puncture site (optional). This is not recommended when the vein is difficult to see, because the skin wheal may obscure the site.

5. Using the thumb of your nondominant hand, apply slight traction to the distal vein to help stabilize the vein during venipuncture. Insert the needle through the skin at a 10- to 30-degree angle with the bevel up, in line with and alongside the vein. Alternatively, you may insert the needle directly over the vein, but there is an increased risk of posterior wall puncture with this technique (Figure 60-1).

6. When the vein is punctured, a flash of blood appears in the hub of the catheter. Advance the needle and stylet another ⅛ inch into the vein (adult patient).

7. Advance the catheter over the needle and into the vein. If any resistance is met on advancement of the catheter, stop immediately, remove the needle and catheter, and apply pressure to the site. Activate any needle shield or safety device as indicated.

8. To prevent blood leakage when connecting and disconnecting tubing and syringes, use your non-dominant hand and compress the vein just proximal to the tip of the catheter with the ring or middle finger while holding the catheter hub with the thumb and index finger.

9. If blood specimens are to be drawn through the IV catheter, attach the syringe or vacuum-tube adapter to the needle hub and withdraw the required samples (see Procedure 58).

10. Release the tourniquet.

11. Connect the IV tubing and open the roller clamp or attach the saline lock.

12. Apply ¼-in tape across the hub of the catheter to secure it. Do not place the tape over the insertion site or at the junction of the needle and tubing. Place a small sterile dressing over the insertion site. Alternatively, apply a transparent dressing over the site and needle hub.

13. Tape the IV tubing or saline lock securely.

14. Tape a label to the IV site with the date, the time, the size of the catheter, and your initials.

15. Adjust the drip rate as ordered or flush the saline lock. Assess the site for infiltration.

16. Before injecting medication through an injection port, clean the port with 70% alcohol or an iodophor (O’Grady et al., 2002).



1. Pediatric patients should not have routine rotation of IV sites; replace peripheral catheters only when clinically indicated (O’Grady et al., 2002).

2. Pediatric or elderly patients may require an arm board to protect the IV site. Wrapping the extremity with gauze can help prevent the patient from manipulating the catheter.

3. It may be helpful to secure the hand of a small child to an IV board before the venipuncture.

4. In infants and small children, advance the catheter off of the needle as soon as you see the blood flashback. This helps avoid puncture of the posterior wall of the vein. In adults with large, rope-like veins, advance the needle and stylet together approximately ¼ inch to prevent the catheter tip from catching on the thick wall of the vein.

5. In pediatric patients not yet walking, a foot vein may be appropriate. Avoid the child’s dominant hand or the favored hand for thumb/finger sucking (Rosenthal, 2005).

6. Scalp veins can be used for IV access in infants, although they are inadequate for large volumes of fluids or medications that must be administered quickly. A rubber band can be used as a tourniquet to distend the veins (Figure 60-2). Determine which direction the blood is flowing by occluding the vein with your finger and “milking” it. The IV catheter should be inserted in the same direction the blood is flowing. The rubber band has to be cut away carefully after the IV catheter is in place. A plastic medicine cup can be used to protect the IV line (Figure 60-3). Place padding between the cup and the scalp before taping it in place.

7. Use a T-piece or a short extension set on all pediatric IV lines to facilitate the injection of medications near the site and to avoid flushing long lengths of tubing to ensure that the medication has been infused.

8. An intradermal local anesthetic may not be the best option in children who approach any puncture with fear. An topical anesthetic cream (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics [EMLA] or lidocain) may be used to anesthetize the site, but this takes 20 to 60 minutes to be effective. School-aged children may be able to decide whether they want intradermal local anesthesia, which can be described as “a sting that makes the skin go to sleep so the needle doesn’t hurt so much.”

PROCEDURE 61 Rapid-Infusion Catheter Exchange

Reneé Semonin Holleran, RN, PhD, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN, FAEN

Rapid-infusion catheter exchange is also known as RIC.


1. *Infiltrate the area around the catheter with a local anesthetic.

2. Cleanse the entire area, including the puncture site and indwelling catheter, with an antiseptic solution.

3. *Disconnect the IV tubing from the catheter and insert the guide wire through the indwelling catheter and into the vein (Figure 61-1, A). If resistance is met, withdraw the guide wire and reinsert. If resistance persists, the procedure must be stopped.

4. *When the guide wire has been inserted into the indwelling catheter, remove the existing catheter.

5. *Pass the sheath or dilator over the guide wire (Figure 61-1, B).

6. *Nick the skin with the scalpel blade at the insertion site (approximately 5 mm) (Figure 61-1, C).

7. *Thread the tapered tip of the dilator over the guide wire and advance the dilator and sheath into the vessel, using a slight twisting motion (Figure 61-1, D).

8. *Advance the sheath over the dilator by grasping the skin and using a slight twisting motion.

9. *Make sure the sheath is held in place and then remove the dilator and guide wire. The free flow of blood demonstrates that the catheter is in place (Figure 61-1, E).

10. Connect the catheter to the IV tubing. Blood tubing or large-bore tubing should be used if fluid resuscitation is indicated.

11. Secure the catheter with tape or a suture. Apply a dressing.

PROCEDURE 62 External Jugular Venous Access

Reneé Semonin Holleran, RN, PhD, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN, FAEN

Although the external jugular vein is usually considered a peripheral intravenous (IV) site, some institutions consider the external jugular site to be central line access instead of peripheral line access. Consult your institution’s policies and procedures for clarification on whether registered nurses may insert external jugular catheters.


1. *If the patient is conscious, anesthetize the insertion site with a local anesthetic.

2. *Attach the IV catheter to a syringe and align the needle with the external jugular vein, directing the needle tip toward the ipsilateral shoulder.

3. *Lightly “tourniquet” the distal end of the external jugular vein (just above the clavicle) with the opposite index finger. The opposite thumb can also be used on the proximal portion of the vein to assist in anchoring it for puncture (Figure 62-2).

4. *Perform the venipuncture midway between the angle of the jaw and the clavicle.

5. *When a blood return is noted in the syringe, advance the catheter off the needle to the hub. If you are using another type of device (i.e., a triple-lumen catheter), advance it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. *If blood is to be obtained, withdraw the desired amount. Detach the syringe and place a gloved finger over the hub to prevent the introduction of air.

7. Connect the IV tubing and initiate the flow of the fluid. Monitor for signs of infiltration.

8. *Secure the catheter with sutures, tape, or surgical tape closures. Skin adhesive will help secure tape or surgical tape closures. Looping the IV tubing around the ear may add additional security. Apply a dressing over the area. Sedation may be required to help keep the patient from moving and dislodging the catheter (Fleck, 2005).

PROCEDURE 63 Subclavian Venous Access

Reneé Semonin Holleran, RN, PhD, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN, FAEN


1. Place the patient on a cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter (see Procedures 21 and 55).

2. Place the patient in a supine, 20-degree Trendelenburg position with a small, rolled towel placed between the shoulder blades to improve access. If thepatient cannot tolerate the Trendelenburg position, elevate the legs for a modified Trendelenburg position (see Procedure 48). Turn the patient’s head to the side opposite the insertion site.

3. *Cleanse the chest with an antiseptic solution. The subclavian vein rises as a continuation of the axillary vein, with its origin near the lateral portion of the first rib. The vein runs medially, passing under the middle third of the clavicle, and unites with the internal jugular vein near the sternum to form the brachiocephalic (innominate) vein.

4. *Drape the patient, using a sterile technique. In addition to gloves, masks and goggles should be worn for this procedure.

5. If a multiple-lumen catheter is being used, be sure that the ports have been flushed using the solution recommended by the hospital’s policies and procedures.

6. The right subclavian is the preferred site because the vein is shorter and provides a more direct route (Fleck, 2005).


1. *Locate the landmarks for the subclavian vein and anesthetize the insertion site.

2. *Place the middle finger of your nondominant hand in the suprasternal notch.

3. *Locate the tubercle, which is approximately one third of the distance along the clavicle from the sternum.

4. *With the middle finger still in the suprasternal notch and the thumb on the inferior tubercle of the clavicle, insert the needle attached to the syringe under the tubercle along the undersurface of the clavicle, directing it toward the suprasternal notch (Figure 63-1). If the patient is awake and cooperative, have him or her take a deep breath and hold it during needle insertion.

5. *While aspirating, advance the needle approximately 3 to 5 cm.

6. *When the vein has been located, detach the needle from the syringe and place a gloved finger over the hub to prevent the introduction of air.

7. *Gently insert the guide wire through the needle hub (see Figure 63-1).

8. *After the guide wire is in place, remove the needle and allow the wire to remain in the vein.

9. *Use the No. 11 blade to make a small nick in the skin where the wire enters (see Figure 63-1).

10. *Some kits contain a separate dilator, whereas others have the catheter and dilator joined together. If the dilator is separate, insert it into the hub and leave the wire in place.

11. *Insert the catheter over the wire, making sure to maintain control of the wire at all times.

12. *Once the catheter has been inserted, remove the wire and the dilator (if it is joined to the catheter).

13. *Aspirate and ascertain that there is good blood flow.

14. Draw the blood as needed for the laboratory evaluation.

15. Attach the catheter to the IV solution.

16. *Suture the catheter in place.

17. Apply a sterile gauze or transparent dressing and tape it to secure the catheter and the tubing (O’Grady et al., 2002).

18. Obtain a chest radiograph to verify the catheter placement and to rule out any postprocedural complications, such as a pneumothorax.

19. Attach the catheter to the monitoring device, that is, the CVP monitor (if indicated).

PROCEDURE 64 Internal Jugular Venous Access

Reneé Semonin Holleran, RN, PhD, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN, FAEN


1. Place the patient on a cardiac monitor (Procedure 55) and pulse oximeter (Procedure 21).

2. Place the patient in a Trendelenburg position and turn the head away from the site of insertion. Placing a pillow or towel roll under the patient’s shoulder can facilitate patient positioning. If the patient cannot tolerate the Trendelenburg position, elevate the legs for a modified Trendelenburg position (Procedure 48). Turn the patient’s head to the side opposite the insertion site.

3. *Cleanse the area of insertion with an antiseptic solution. The IJ vein runs posteriorly and laterally to the internal and common carotid artery. As the vein nears the thoracic area, it becomes more lateral and more anterior to the common carotid artery. Another landmark used for accessing the IJ vein is the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The IJ vein runs medially to this muscle in its upper part and then passes posteriorly to the inferior heads of the muscle in its midportion. Landmarks for the IJ vein are the angle of the mandible, the clavicle, the suprasternal notch, the external jugular vein and the carotid pulsation, the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the triangle formed by the two heads and the clavicle (Figure 64-1).

4. *Drape the patient’s head with sterile towels.


1. *Locate the landmarks of the IJ vein and infiltrate the area of insertion with a local anesthetic. Some research has demonstrated that the use of ultrasound guided IJ vein catheterization in the emergency department setting has been associated with a higher success rate and fewer complications (Leung, Duffy, & Finckh, 2006).

2. The three approaches to accessing the IJ vein are the middle, the anterior, and the posterior approaches. The posterior and middle approaches are the most commonly used and are described as follows (see Figure 64-1):

a. *Middle approach: Locate the triangle formed by the bifurcation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the clavicle. Attach the needle to a syringe and insert it at the apex of the triangle at a 30- to 45-degree angle to the skin. During insertion, the needle should be directed at the ipsilateral nipple. The needle should not be inserted farther than 5 cm. If the vein cannot be located immediately, the needle should be withdrawn and redirected just lateral to the ipsilateral nipple.

b. *Posterior approach: Locate the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and insert the needle attached to a syringe under the posterior border, directing the needle toward the sternal notch. If the vein is not located after 4 to 6 cm of insertion, remove the needle and redirect it toward the contralateral nipple.

3. *Once the vein has been located, detach the syringe and place a gloved finger over the hub. Gently thread the guide wire through the hub of the needle. When the wire has been inserted 8 to 20 cm, remove the needle and leave the guide wire in place. Using the No. 11 blade, make a nick in the skin where the wire enters the skin. If there is a vein dilator, thread it over the wire to the hub and then remove the dilator, leaving the wire in place. Sometimes, the catheter and the dilator are inserted together over the wire. During insertion, always maintain control of the wire to prevent embolization into the circulation. Once the catheter is inserted, remove the wire and the dilator, if it is present. When the catheter is in place, confirm its location again by withdrawing some blood. Blood may also be drawn for a laboratory evaluation. If catheter patency is confirmed, connect it to the intravenous solution.

4. *Suture the catheter in place.

5. Apply a dressing and secure the catheter and the tubing with tape.

6. Obtain a chest radiograph to check the line placement and to rule out complications, such as a pneumothorax.

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