CHAPTER 10. The Role of the Sign-off Mentor
Chapter Aims
The purpose of this chapter is to gain an understanding of the role of the sign-off mentor. After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• List the criteria for becoming a sign-off mentor.
• Appreciate the accountability of the sign-off mentor to the NMC when making the final assessment decision.
• Appreciate the role of the ongoing achievement record in assisting the sign-off mentor to make their confirmation of a student’s proficiency at the end of their programme.
What is a sign-off mentor?
The sign-off mentor role was introduced by the NMC in their Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice in 2006. It is this role that has probably caused the most concern for mentors as it makes explicit the mentor’s accountability to the NMC in signing off a student’s proficiencies at the end of their programme. In reality a mentor has always been accountable for their decisions but the creation of a separate role has highlighted the significance of signing off a student as being ready, from a practice perspective, to register with the NMC.
A sign-off mentor is a mentor who has met additional criteria and who will make the judgement as to whether or not a student has achieved the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practice for entry to the NMC register (NMC, 2008). In addition they must be designated as a sign-off mentor on the local register of mentors. A sign-off mentor must be on the same part and field of practice as that the student is intending to enter. They have been mandatory for all students commencing NMC approved programmes from September 2007. The role of the sign-off mentor differs slightly for different parts of the register (see Table 10.1).
Programme | When a sign-off mentor is required |
Pre-registration Nursing | Only for final placement |
Pre-registration Midwifery | At each progression point across the whole programme |
Specialist Practice Programmes that lead to a recordable qualification on the NMC register | For the whole programme or it can be a Practice Teacher if required by the commissioners of the programme |
Overseas Nursing Programme | For the whole programme |
Return to Practice Programme | For the whole programme |
How do i become a sign-off mentor?
To become a sign-off mentor you must already be a mentor on a local register of mentors and demonstrate that you have met the additional criteria to be a sign-off mentor. Box 10.1 summarizes these and we will look at each of these criteria in turn.
Box 10.1
Additional criteria to be a sign-off mentor
A sign-off mentor must have:
• Clinical currency and capability in the field in which the student is being assessed.
• A working knowledge of current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice for the student they are assessing.
• An understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution they make to the achievement of these requirements.
• An in-depth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they must make to pass or fail a student when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme.
• Been supervised on at least three occasions for signing off proficiency by an existing sign-off mentor.
(NMC, 2008 p. 21)
Clinical currency and capability in the field in which the student is being assessed
All registrants have a professional responsibility to keep themselves up-to-date. If you have an annual appraisal you can use this as evidence of your currency and capability. If you have not had an appraisal in the last year you should make an appointment with your line manager to arrange one as soon as possible. If there is a personal or professional development plan ensure that the agreed actions are being implemented. You will also have confirmed to the NMC every three years, by completing a notification of practice form, that you have completed the required hours of learning activity relevant to your practice. However, if you change your place of work (e.g. moving from a medical ward to an Intensive Care Unit) it may be that your clinical currency and capability is lacking in that particular speciality such that you would be unable to mentor a student in that area with confidence. In this situation you would need to gain experience in that area and discuss with your manager through the annual appraisal process when you have the appropriate level of competence to mentor a student. Now complete Activity 10.1.
Activity 10.1
Evidence of clinical currency and capability
Record below the date of your last appraisal
Which part of the register/field of practice are you registered for?
List below the action points from your personal/professional development plan and any additional activities you have undertaken in the last year.
In order to sign-off a student you must be on the same part of the register and field of practice as that of the student you will be mentoring. This means that if you are registered as a mental health nurse you can only sign-off students on the mental health branch programme. If you hold a second registration you cannot sign-off a student from that branch unless you can demonstrate clinical currency and capability in that field of practice.
A working knowledge of current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice for the student they are assessing
This aspect of the role requires you to have an understanding of the programme your students are on. Attendance at annual mentor updates should give you a good feel of the above requirements for your students. You don’t need to know the programme in detail but should have an understanding of:
• The different modules in the programme, particularly the modules students will be on when they come to your area for their practice experience.
• The different types of placement experiences the students will have during the course of their programme.
• The assessment documentation and processes for supporting a failing student.
• Any changes to the programme that have implications for you as a mentor.
• The role of the ongoing achievement record (OAR) in helping you make the final assessment decision.
An understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution mentors make to the achievement of these requirements
The NMC sets the standards of proficiency for the programmes they approve. These can be obtained from the NMC website under the education section. All students are required to meet the standards of proficiency through completion of the programme that has been approved by the NMC. The NMC website can be accessed at
All pre-registration nursing students are required to complete 2300 hours of theory and 2300 hours of practice, which the university has to confirm that a student has completed to the NMC before the student can register with them. As 50% of a student’s programme is spent in practice, mentors play a significant role in facilitating the overall programme. Most universities will require mentors to confirm the number of hours a student has completed during their practice placement. It is very important therefore that these are accurate and any absences that the student has while on placement are recorded on the attendance record but it is also important that you inform the university directly as well. If a student asks to make up any missed time while on their placement with you this may be possible but check with your university and always inform them that this has been arranged otherwise they will have no evidence that the student has been sick or absent.
Progressing on the pre-registration programme
Pre-registration programmes have progression points. These are points along the programme where the student is required to meet certain requirements set by the NMC before they can continue on the programme. In nursing the first progression point is at the end of year one. Students must have completed the correct number of hours (767 hours each of theory and practice) and passed all their theory and practice assessments within 12 weeks of completing their first year in order to progress to the second year. As a mentor it is your responsibility to ensure that their practice assessment documentation is complete including their OAR and that their attendance record is signed. This information will be passed to the assessment/progression board at the university who will make the final decision as to whether the student meets the criteria to progress on the programme. Currently, the next progression point is at the end of the programme. Undertake Activity 10.2 if you support students on other programmes leading to registration with the NMC.
Activity 10.2
NMC requirements for other programmes leading to registration
If you have students on other programmes that lead to registration on the NMC register, e.g. Overseas Nursing Programme or Return to Practice, Midwifery, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, Nurse Prescribing find out what the NMC registration requirements are and make a note of them.
An in-depth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they must make to pass or fail a student when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme
As a mentor you are always professionally responsible and accountable to the NMC for the assessment decisions that you make. However, as a sign-off mentor you are also professionally responsible and accountable to the NMC for the final decision regarding whether a student has successfully completed all the practice requirements of their programme prior to their entry to the professional register.

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