(trye meth oh ben’ za myde)
Oral preparations: Tigan
Parenteral preparations: Tigan
Drug class
Antiemetic (anticholinergic)
Therapeutic Actions
Mechanism of action not understood; antiemetic action may be mediated through the CTZ; impulses to the vomiting center do not appear to be affected.
Control of postoperative nausea and vomiting and nausea associated with gastroenteritis
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated with allergy to trimethobenzamide, benzocaine, or similar local anesthetics; uncomplicated vomiting in children (drug may contribute to development of Reye syndrome or unfavorably influence its outcome; extrapyramidal effects of drugs may obscure diagnosis of Reye syndrome); pregnancy.
Use cautiously with lactation; acute febrile illness, appendicitis, encephalitis, gastroenteritis, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, especially when these occur in children, the elderly, or debilitated; narrow-angle glaucoma; stenosing peptic ulcer; symptomatic prostatic hypertrophy; bronchial asthma; bladder neck obstruction; pyloroduodenal obstruction; cardiac arrhythmias; recent use of CNS-acting drugs (phenothiazine, barbiturates, belladonna alkaloids).
Available Forms
Capsules—300 mg; injection—100 mg/mL