

(tess toss’ ter ohn)


Transdermal patch: Androderm

Transdermal gel: AndroGel 1%, AndroGel 1.62%, Fortesta, Testim

Testosterone pellets: Testopel, Pellets

Testosterone buccal: Striant

Testosterone solution: Axiron

Testosterone Cypionate (Long-Acting)

Depo-Testosterone, Testro AQ

Testosterone Enanthate (Long-Acting)




Drug Classes



Therapeutic Actions

Primary natural androgen; responsible for growth and development of male sex organs and the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics; administration of exogenous testosterone increases the retention of nitrogen, sodium, potassium, phosphorus; decreases urinary excretion of calcium; increases protein anabolism and decreases protein catabolism; stimulates the production of RBCs.


  • Replacement therapy in hypogonadism—primary hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, delayed puberty (men)

  • Testosterone enanthate only: Inoperable breast cancer, metastatic mammary cancer, delayed puberty

Available Forms

Transdermal system—2, 2.5, 4, 5 mg/24 hr; transdermal gel—1%, 1.62%; pellets—75 mg; testosterone enanthate injection—200 mg/mL; spray—30 mg per actation (Axiron), 10 mg per actuation (Fortesta); buccal system—30 mg; testosterone cypionate injection—100, 200 mg/mL



  • Carcinoma of the breast and metastatic mammary cancer: 200–400 mg IM (testosterone enanthate) every 2–4 wk.

  • Male hypogonadism (replacement therapy): 50–400 mg testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate every 2–4 wk given IM, or 150–450 mg testosterone enanthate pellets implanted subcutaneously every 3–6 mo.

  • Males with delayed puberty: 50–200 mg IM (testosterone enanthate) every 2–4 wk for a limited duration (4–6 mo) or 150 mg
    pellets subcutaneously every 3–6 mo (testosterone pellets).

  • Primary hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males: Testosterone patch, initially 4-mg/day system applied to non-scrotal skin; then 2.5-mg/day system (Androderm) (dosage may be adjusted based on patient response); testosterone gel—5 mg/day (preferably in the morning) applied to clean, dry, intact skin of the shoulders, upper arms, or abdomen (AndroGel or Testim); spray (Fortesta)—4 actuations (40 mg) applied to inner thighs in the morning, or spray (Axiron) 1 pump actuation (30 mg) to each axilla once a day; AndroGel 1.62%—2 actuations (40.5 mg) once daily in the morning to shoulders or upper arms; apply one buccal system (30 mg) to gum region bid (morning and evening), rotate sites, usual position is above incisor on either side of mouth (Striant).

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Testosterone

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