(soo kral’ fayt)
Apo-Sucralfate (CAN), Carafate, Sulcrate (CAN)
Drug Class
Antiulcer drug
Therapeutic Actions
Forms an ulcer-adherent complex at duodenal ulcer sites, protecting the ulcer against acid, pepsin, and bile salts, thereby promoting ulcer healing; also inhibits pepsin activity in gastric juices.
Short-term treatment of duodenal ulcers, up to 8 wk
Maintenance therapy for duodenal ulcer at reduced dosage after healing
Orphan drug use: Treatment of oral and esophageal ulcers due to radiation, chemotherapy, and sclerotherapy
Unlabeled uses: Accelerates healing of gastric ulcers, long-term treatment of gastric ulcers, treatment of reflux and peptic esophagitis, treatment of NSAID or aspirin-induced GI symptoms and GI damage, prevention of stress ulcers in critically ill patients
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated with allergy to sucralfate, chronic renal failure or dialysis (buildup of aluminum may occur with aluminum-containing products).
Use cautiously with pregnancy, lactation.