(soe ma troe’ pin)
Genotropin, Genotropin Miniquick, Humatrope, HumatroPen, Norditropin, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, Nutropin AQ Pen, Omnitrope, Saizen, Serostim, Tev-Tropin, Zorbtive
Drug Class
Therapeutic Actions
Hormone of recombinant DNA origin; contains the identical amino acid sequence of pituitary-derived human growth hormone; therapeutically equivalent to endogenous growth hormone; stimulates skeletal (linear) growth, growth of internal organs, protein synthesis, many other metabolic processes required for normal growth.
All but Serostim: Long-term treatment of children with growth failure due to lack of adequate endogenous growth hormone secretion
Nutropin and Nutropin AQ: Treatment of children with growth failure related to chronic renal failure, chronic renal insufficiency, up to the time of renal transplantation
Genotropin, Norditropin, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, and Humatrope, HumatroPen: Treatment of girls suffering from Turner syndrome
Serostim: Treatment of AIDS wasting and cachexia to increase lean body mass and improve physical endurance
Genotropin: Long-term treatment of children with growth failure due to Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)
Genotropin: Long-term treatment of growth failure in children of small gestational age (SGA) who do not catch up by 2 yr
Genotropin, Norditropin, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, Humatrope, Omnitrope, Saizen: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults
Humatrope, HumatroPen: Treatment of short stature or growth failure in children with short staturehomeobox (SHOX)-containing gene deficiency whose epiphyses have not closed.
Humatrope, Norditropin: Treatment of short stature in children of SGA who do not present with catch-up growth by 2–4 yr
Humatrope, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, Humatropen, Genotropin: Long-term treatment of idiopathic short stature in pediatric patients whose epiphyses are not closed and for whom diagnostic evaluation excludes other causes treatable by other means
Norditropin Treatment of short stature in children with Noonan syndrome or Turner syndrome
Norditropin: Treatment of adults with severe GHD
Saizen, Genotropin, Humatrope, Humatropen, Norditropin, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, Omnitrope: Replacement of endogenous growth hormone in adults with GHD who have GHD alone or in combination with multiple hormone deficiencies as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma or who had GHD as a child and who have had continued GHD established as an adult
Zorbtive: Treatment of short bowel syndrome in patients receiving specialized nutritional support
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated with known sensitivity to somatropin, benzyl alcohol, glycerin (Humatrope), closed epiphyses, underlying cranial lesions, neoplasms, diabetic retinopathy, acute illness secondary to complications of open-heart surgery, abdominal surgeries, accidental trauma.Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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