

A soak involves immersion of a body part in warm water or a medicated solution. This treatment helps to soften exudates, facilitate debridement, enhance suppuration, clean wounds or burns, rehydrate wounds, apply medication to infected areas, and increase local blood supply and circulation.

Most soaks are applied with clean tap water and clean technique. Sterile solution and sterile equipment are required for treating wounds, burns, and other breaks in the skin.

Preparation of Equipment

Clean and disinfect the basin or tub. Run warm tap water into a pitcher or heat the prescribed solution, as applicable. Measure the water or solution temperature with a bath thermometer. If the temperature isn’t within the prescribed range (usually 105° to 110°F [40.6° to 43.3°C]), add hot or cold water or reheat or cool the solution, as needed.

If you’re preparing the soak outside the patient’s room, heat the liquid slightly above the correct temperature to allow for cooling during transport. If the solution for a medicated soak isn’t premixed, prepare the solution and heat it.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Soaks

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