Neomycin Sulfate

Neomycin Sulfate

(nee o mye’ sin)

Mycifradin, Neo-fradin, Neo-Tabs


Drug class


Therapeutic Actions

Bactericidal: Inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible strains of bacteria; functional integrity of bacterial cell membrane appears to be disrupted, causing cell death. Due to poor PO absorption, oral neomycin is used to suppress GI bacterial flora.


  • Preoperative suppression of GI bacterial flora

  • Adjunct treatment in hepatic coma to reduce ammonia-forming bacteria in the GI tract

Available Forms

Tablets—500 mg; oral solution—125 mg/5 mL



  • Preoperative preparation for elective colorectal surgery: See manufacturer’s recommendations for a complex 3-day regimen that includes oral erythromycin, bisacodyl, magnesium sulfate, enemas, and dietary restrictions.

  • Hepatic coma: 4–12 g/day PO in divided doses for 5–6 days, as adjunct to protein-free diet and supportive therapy, including transfusions, as needed.

Pediatric patients

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Neomycin Sulfate

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