(nell fin’ a veer)
Drug Classes
Protease inhibitor
Therapeutic Actions
Inhibitor of the HIV-1 protease; prevents viral cleavage resulting in the production of immature, noninfectious virus. Though no controlled trials of the effectiveness of nelfinavir exist, studies may indicate effectiveness in combination with nucleoside analogues.
Treatment of HIV infection when antiretroviral therapy is warranted in combination with nucleoside analogues or other antiretroviral drugs
Unlabeled use: Postexposure prophylaxis following exposure to HIV
Contraindications and Cautions
Contraindicated with life-threatening allergy to any component, concurrent use of drugs dependent on CYP3A for clearance (amiodarone, quinidine, ergot derivatives, pimozide, midazolam, triazolam, lovastatin, simvastatin).
Use cautiously with renal and hepatic impairment, hemophilia, pregnancy, lactation.
Available Forms
Tablets—250, 625 mg
Adults and patients older than 13 yr
750 mg PO tid or 1,250 mg PO bid in combination with other antiretroviral drugs; do not exceed 2,500 mg/day.
Pediatric patients 2–13 yr
45–55 mg/kg PO bid or 25–35 mg/kg PO tid; maximum dose, 2,500 mg/day.
Pediatric patients younger than 2 yr
Not recommended.