Naltrexone Hydrochloride

Naltrexone Hydrochloride

(nal trex’ one)

ReVia, Vivitrol


Drug class

Opioid antagonist

Therapeutic Actions

Pure opiate antagonist; markedly attenuates or completely, reversibly blocks the subjective effects of IV opioids, including those with mixed opioid agonist-antagonist properties.


  • Adjunct to treatment of alcohol or opioid dependence as part of a comprehensive treatment program

  • Prevention of relapse to opioid dependence following opioid detoxification

  • Unlabeled uses: Eating disorders, pathologic gambling, IBs, PTSD, pruritus, smoking cessation

Available Forms

Tablets—50 mg; injection—380 mg/vial


Warning Give naloxone challenge before use except in patients already showing clinical signs of opioid withdrawal.



IV challenge test

Draw 2 ampules of naloxone, 2 mL (0.8 mg) into a syringe. Inject 0.5 mL (0.2 mg) IV. Leave needle in vein, and observe for 30 sec. If no signs of withdrawal occur, inject remaining 1.5 mL (0.6 mg), and observe for 20 min for signs and symptoms of withdrawal (stuffiness or running nose, tearing, yawning, sweating, tremor, vomiting, piloerection, feeling of temperature change, joint or bone and muscle pain, abdominal cramps, skin crawling).

Subcutaneous challenge

Administer 2 mL (0.8 mg) naloxone subcutaneously, and observe for signs and symptoms of withdrawal for 20 min. If any of the signs and symptoms of withdrawal occur or if there is any doubt that the patient is opioid- free, do not administer naltrexone. Confirmatory rechallenge can be done within 24 hr. Inject 4 mL IV, and observe for signs and symptoms of withdrawal. Repeat until no signs and symptoms are seen and patient is no longer at risk.

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Naltrexone Hydrochloride

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