Musculoskeletal care

Musculoskeletal care


Arm and leg fractures

An arm or a leg fracture is a break in the continuity of the bone, usually caused by trauma. A fracture can result in substantial muscle, nerve, and other soft-tissue damage. The prognosis varies with the extent of disability or deformity, the amount of tissue and vascular damage, the adequacy of reduction and immobilization, and the patient’s age, health, and nutritional status. Children’s bones usually heal rapidly and without deformity; the bones of adults in poor health or those with osteoporosis or impaired circulation may never heal properly.

Most arm and leg fractures result from trauma, such as a fall on an outstretched arm, a skiing or motor vehicle accident, and child, spouse, or elder abuse (shown by multiple or repeated episodes of fractures). However, in a person with a bone-weakening disease, such as osteoporosis, bone tumor, or metabolic disease, a mere cough or sneeze can cause a pathological fracture. Prolonged standing, walking, or running can cause stress fractures of the foot and ankle—usually in nurses, postal workers, soldiers, and joggers.

Possible complications of fractures include arterial damage, nonunion, fat embolism, infection, shock, avascular necrosis, peripheral nerve damage, and compartment syndrome. Severe fractures, especially of the femoral shaft, may cause substantial blood loss and life-threatening hypovolemic shock.

Signs and symptoms

  • Crepitus

  • Deformity or shortening of the injured limb

  • Discoloration over the fracture site

  • Dislocation

  • Loss of pulses distal to the injury (arterial compromise)

  • Numbness distal to the injury and cool skin at the extremity’s end (nerve and vessel damage)

  • Pain that increases with movement and an inability to intentionally move part of the arm or leg distal to the injury

  • Soft-tissue edema

  • Skin wound and bleeding (open fracture)

  • Tingling sensation distal to the injury, possibly indicating nerve and vessel damage

  • Warmth at the injury site

Nursing considerations

  • Know that the severity of pain depends on the fracture type.

  • Reassure the patient with a fracture, who will probably be frightened and in pain. Ease pain with analgesics as needed.

  • If the patient has a severe open fracture of a large bone, such as the femur, watch for signs of shock. Monitor his vital signs; a rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, pallor, and cool, clammy skin may indicate shock. Administer I.V. fluids and blood products as ordered.

  • If the fracture requires long-term immobilization, reposition the patient often to increase comfort and prevent pressure ulcers. Assist with active range-of-motion exercises to prevent muscle atrophy. Encourage deep breathing and coughing to avoid hypostatic pneumonia.

  • In long-term immobilization, urge adequate fluid intake to prevent urinary stasis and constipation. Watch for signs of renal calculi (flank pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation).

  • Provide for diversional activity. Allow the patient to express his concerns over lengthy immobilization and the problems it creates.

  • Provide cast care. While the plaster cast is wet, support it with pillows. Observe for skin irritation near the cast edges, and check for foul odors or discharge, particularly after open reduction, compound fracture, or skin lacerations and wounds on the affected limb.

  • Encourage the patient to start moving around as soon as he can, and help him with walking.

  • After cast removal, refer the patient for physical therapy to restore limb mobility.

  • Know that arm and leg fractures may produce any or all of the “5 Ps”: pain and joint tenderness, pallor, pulse loss, paresthesia, and paralysis. The last three are distal to the fracture site.

  • Monitor the patient’s white blood cell count, hemoglobin level, and hematocrit, and report any abnormal values to the practitioner.

  • Be sure the patient with immobility from the fracture has adequate deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a form of repetitive stress injury, is the most common nerve entrapment syndrome. It results from compression of the median nerve in the wrist, where it passes through the carpal tunnel.

The median nerve controls motions in the forearm, wrist, and hand, such as turning the wrist toward the body, flexing the index and middle fingers, and many thumb movements. It also supplies sensation to the index, middle, and ring fingers. Compression of this nerve causes loss of movement and sensation in the wrist, hand, and fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually occurs in women between ages 30 and 60 and may pose a serious occupational health problem. It may also occur in people who move their wrists continuously, such as butchers, computer operators, machine operators, and concert pianists. Any strenuous use of the hands—sustained grasping, twisting, or flexing—aggravates the condition.

Signs and symptoms

  • Fingernails that may be atrophied, with surrounding dry, shiny skin

  • Inability to make a fist

  • Pain, burning, numbness, or tingling in one or both hands

  • Pain relieved by shaking hands vigorously or dangling arms at the side

  • Pain that spreads to the forearm and, in severe cases, as far as the shoulder

  • Paresthesia that may affect the thumb, forefinger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger; worsening at night and in the morning

  • Weakness in the hand or wrist

Nursing considerations

  • Encourage the patient to express his concerns. Listen and offer your support and encouragement.

  • Have him perform as much self-care as his immobility and pain allow. Provide him with adequate time to perform these activities at his own pace.

  • Administer mild analgesics as needed. Encourage the patient to use his hands as much as possible; if the condition has impaired his dominant hand, you may have to assist with eating and bathing.

  • After surgery, monitor vital signs and regularly check the color, sensation, and motion of the affected hand.

  • Be aware that the patient’s history may disclose that his occupation or hobby requires strenuous or repetitive use of the hands. It may also reveal a hormonal condition, wrist injury, rheumatoid arthritis, or another condition that causes swelling in carpal tunnel structures.


Gout—also known as gouty arthritis—is a metabolic disease marked by monosodium urate deposits that cause red, swollen, and acutely painful joints. Gout can affect any joint but mostly affects those in the feet, especially the great toe, ankle, and midfoot.

Primary gout typically occurs in men over age 30 and in postmenopausal women who take diuretics. It follows an intermittent course that may leave patients symptom-free for years between attacks. Secondary gout occurs in older people.

In asymptomatic patients, serum urate levels rise but produce no symptoms. In symptom-producing gout, the first acute attack strikes suddenly and peaks quickly. Although it may involve only one or a few joints, this attack causes extreme pain. Mild, acute attacks usually subside quickly yet tend to recur at irregular intervals. Severe attacks may persist for days or weeks.

Intercritical periods are the symptom-free intervals between attacks. Most patients have a second attack between 6 months and 2 years after the first; in some patients, the second attack is delayed for 5 to 10 years. Delayed attacks, which may be polyarticular, are more common in untreated patients. These attacks tend to last longer and produce more symptoms than initial episodes. A migratory attack strikes various joints and the Achilles tendon sequentially and may be associated with olecranon bursitis.

Secondary gout can be the result of other diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, polycythemia, and sickle cell anemia.

Eventually, chronic polyarticular gout sets in. This final, unremitting stage of the disease (also known as tophaceous gout) is marked by persistent painful polyarthritis. An increased concentration of uric acid leads to urate deposits—called tophi—in cartilage, synovial membranes, tendons, and soft tissue. Tophi form in the fingers, hands, knees, feet, ulnar sides of the forearms, pinna of the ear, and Achilles tendon and, rarely, in such internal organs as the kidneys and myocardium. Renal involvement may adversely affect renal function.

Patients who receive treatment for gout have a good prognosis.

Signs and symptoms

  • Chills and a mild fever

  • Erosions, deformity, and disability

  • History of a sedentary lifestyle and hypertension and renal calculi

  • Pain in the great toe or another location in the foot

  • Pain that becomes so intense that eventually the patient can’t bear the weight of bed sheets or the vibrations of a person walking across the room

  • Skin over the tophi that ulcerates and releases a chalky white exudate or pus

  • Swollen, dusky red or purple joint with limited movement

  • Tophi, especially in the outer ears, hands, and feet

  • Warmth over the joint and extreme tenderness

  • Hypertension


Correct management has three goals:

  • First, terminate the acute attack.

  • Next, treat hyperuricemia to reduce urine uric acid levels.

  • Finally, prevent recurrent gout and renal calculi.

Acute gout

  • Bed rest

  • Immobilization and protection of the inflamed, painful joints

  • Local application of cold

  • Analgesics such as acetaminophen (for mild attacks)

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or I.M. corticotropin (for acute attacks)

  • Corticosteroids given orally or by intra-articular injection

  • Colchicine (Colcrys) (for acute attacks and for prophylaxis)

Chronic gout

  • Decrease of serum uric acid level to less than 6.5 mg/dl

  • Allopurinol (Aloprim) (for overexcretion of uric acid)

  • Uricosuric agents (probenecid) that promote uric acid excretion and inhibit accumulation of uric acid

  • Colchicine, which prevents acute gout attacks but doesn’t affect uric acid levels

  • Avoidance of alcohol (especially beer and wine)

  • Limiting the use of purine-rich foods, such as anchovies, liver, sardines, kidneys, sweetbreads, and lentils

  • Weight loss program for obese patients (weight reduction decreases uric acid levels and eases stress on painful joints)

  • Surgery to improve joint function or correct deformities

  • Excision and drainage of infected or ulcerated tophi to prevent further ulceration, improve the patient’s appearance, or make it easier for him to wear shoes or gloves

Nursing considerations

  • To diffuse anxiety and promote coping mechanisms, encourage the patient to express his concerns about his condition. Listen supportively. Include him and family members in all phases of care and decision making. Answer questions about the disorder as completely as possible.

  • Urge the patient to perform as much self-care as his immobility and pain allow. Provide him with adequate time to perform these activities at his own pace.

  • Encourage bed rest, but use a bed cradle to keep bed linens off of sensitive, inflamed joints.

  • Carefully evaluate the patient’s condition after joint aspiration. Provide emotional support during diagnostic tests and procedures.

  • Give pain medication as needed, especially during acute attacks. Monitor the patient’s response to this medication. Apply cold packs to inflamed joints to ease discomfort and reduce swelling.

  • To promote sleep, administer pain medication at times that allow for maximum rest. Provide the patient with sleep aids, such as a bath, massage, or an extra pillow.

  • Help the patient identify techniques and activities that promote rest and relaxation. Encourage him to perform them.

  • Administer anti-inflammatory medication and other drugs as ordered. Watch for adverse reactions. Be alert for GI disturbances if the patient takes colchicine.

  • Encourage fluids, and record intake and output accurately. Be sure to monitor serum uric acid levels regularly. As ordered, administer sodium bicarbonate or other agents to alkalinize the patient’s urine.

  • Provide a nutritious diet without purine-rich foods.

  • Watch for acute gout attacks 24 to 96 hours after surgery. Even minor surgery can trigger an attack. Before and after surgery, administer colchicine to help prevent gout attacks, as ordered.

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus is a common, painful foot condition that involves lateral deviation of the great toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint. It occurs with medial enlargement of the first metatarsal head and bunion formation (bursa and callus formation at the bony prominence). It’s more common in women.

With congenital hallux valgus, abnormal bony alignment (an increased space between the first and second metatarsal known as metatarsus primus varus) causes bunion formation. With acquired hallux valgus, bony alignment is normal at the outset of the disorder.

Signs and symptoms

  • A flat, splayed forefoot with severely curled toes (hammertoes)

  • Characteristic tender bunion covered by deformed, hard, erythematous skin and palpable bursa, typically distended with fluid

  • Chronic pain over a bunion

  • Family history of hallux valgus, degenerative arthritis, or both

  • Small bunion on the fifth metatarsal

  • Laterally deviated great toe

  • Pain over the second or third metatarsal heads

Nursing considerations

  • Encourage the patient to perform as much self-care as his immobility and pain allow. Give him time to perform these activities at his own pace.

  • Administer analgesics, as ordered, to relieve pain.

  • Before surgery, assess the foot’s neurovascular status (temperature, color, sensation, and blanching sign).

  • After bunionectomy, apply ice to reduce swelling. Increase negative venous pressure and reduce edema by elevating the foot or supporting it with pillows.

  • Record the neurovascular status of the patient’s toes, including the ability to move them (taking into account the inhibiting effect of the dressing). Perform this check every hour for the first 24 hours, then every 4 hours. Report any change in neurovascular status to the physician immediately.

  • Prepare the patient for walking by having him dangle his foot over the bedside briefly before he gets up. This increases venous pressure gradually.

  • Encourage the patient to express concerns about limited mobility, and offer support when appropriate. Answer any questions. Give positive reinforcement and, whenever possible, include the patient in care decisions.


Kyphosis is an anteroposterior spinal curve that causes the back to bow, commonly at the thoracic level but sometimes at the thoracolumbar or sacral level. It was once known as “roundback” or “dowager’s hump.” The normal spine has a slightly convex shape, but excessive thoracic kyphosis is abnormal.

Kyphosis occurs in children and adults. Symptomatic adolescent kyphosis affects more girls than boys and is most common between ages 12 and 16.

Disk lesions (Schmorl’s nodes) may develop in this disorder. These small fingers of nuclear material (from the nucleus pulposus) protrude through the cartilage plates and into the spongy bone of the vertebral bodies. If the protrusion destroys the anterior portions of cartilage, bridges of new bone may form at the intervertebral space and cause ankylosis.

Signs and symptoms

  • A history of excessive athletic activity (in adolescents)

  • Compensatory lordosis

  • Fatigue, tenderness, or stiffness in the involved area or along the entire spine

  • Increased thoracic curvature when the patient stands or bends forward

  • Poor posture

  • Mild pain at the apex of the spinal curve

Nursing considerations

  • After surgery, check the patient’s neurovascular status every 2 to 4 hours for the first 48 hours and report any changes immediately. Turn the patient often, using the logroll method.

  • If patient-controlled analgesia isn’t used, offer an analgesic every 3 to 4 hours.

  • Maintain fluid balance and monitor for ileus.

  • Maintain adequate ventilation and oxygenation.

  • Encourage family support. For an adolescent patient, suggest that family members supply diversional activities. For an adult patient, arrange for alternating periods of rest and activity.

  • If the patient requires a brace, check its condition daily. Look for worn or malfunctioning parts. Carefully assess how the brace fits the patient. Keep in mind that weight changes may alter proper fit.

  • Give meticulous skin care. Check the skin at the cast edges several times daily; use heel and elbow protectors to prevent skin breakdown. Remove antiembolism stockings, if ordered, at least three times per day for at least 30 minutes. Change dressings as ordered.

  • Provide emotional support and encourage communication. Urge the patient and family members to voice their concerns, and answer their questions completely. Expect more mood changes and depression in the adolescent patient than in the adult patient. Offer frequent encouragement and reassurance.

  • include the patient in care-related decisions. If possible, include family members in all phases of patient care.

  • Assist during suture removal and new cast application (usually about 10 days after surgery). Encourage gradual ambulation (usually beginning with a tilt table in the physical therapy department). As needed, arrange for follow-up care with a social worker and a home health nurse.

Muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a group of hereditary disorders characterized by progressive symmetrical wasting of skeletal muscles but no neural or sensory defects. Four main types of muscular dystrophy occur: Duchenne’s (pseudohypertrophic) muscular dystrophy, which accounts for 50% of all cases; Becker’s (benign pseudohypertrophic) muscular dystrophy; Landouzy-Dejerine (facioscapulohumeral) dystrophy; and Erb’s (limb-girdle) dystrophy. Duchenne’s and Becker’s muscular dystrophies affect males almost exclusively. The other two types affect both sexes about equally.

Depending on the type, the disorder may affect vital organs and lead to severe disability, even death. Early in the disease, muscle fibers necrotize and regenerate in various states. Over time, regeneration slows and degeneration dominates. Fat and connective tissue replace muscle fibers, causing weakness.

The prognosis varies. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy typically begins during early childhood and causes death within 10 to 15 years. Patients with Becker’s muscular dystrophy may live into their 40s. Landouzy-Dejerine and Erb’s dystrophies usually don’t shorten life expectancy.

Signs and symptoms

  • Family history that points to evidence of genetic transmission

  • If another family member has muscular dystrophy, clinical characteristics that indicate the type of dystrophy and how he may be affected

  • Progressive muscle weakness that varies with the type of dystrophy

Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

  • Begins insidiously

  • Gowers’ sign when rising from a sitting or supine position

  • Onset that typically occurs between ages 3 and 5

  • Rapid progression; by age 12, child usually unable to walk

  • Weakness that begins in the pelvic muscles and interferes with ability to run, climb, and walk

  • Wide stance and a waddling gait

Becker’s muscular dystrophy

  • Gowers’ sign

  • Resemble those of Duchenne’s but progress more slowly

  • Beginning after age 5, but patient can still walk well beyond age 15 and, in some cases, into his 40s

  • Wide stance and a waddling gait

Landouzy-Dejerine dystrophy

  • Abnormal facial movements

  • Absence of facial movements when laughing or crying

  • Diffuse facial flattening that leads to a masklike expression

  • Inability to pucker the lips or whistle

  • Inability to raise arms over the head or close eyes completely

  • Pelvic muscles weaken as the disease progresses

  • Pendulous lower lip

  • Symptoms that develop during adolescence

  • Nasolabial fold that disappears

  • Typically beginning before age 10

  • Weakness of the eye, face, and shoulder muscles

  • Inability to suckle (in infants)

  • Scapulae that develop a winglike appearance

Erb’s dystrophy

  • Slow course and commonly causes only slight disability

  • Inability to raise the arms

  • Lordosis with abdominal protrusion

  • Muscle weakness (first appears in the upper arm and pelvic muscles)

  • Muscle wasting

  • Onset between ages 6 and 10 but may occur in early adulthood

  • Poor balance

  • Waddling gait

  • Winging of the scapulae

Jun 5, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Musculoskeletal care

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