(meth im’ a zole)
Dom-Methimazole (CAN), Tapazole
Drug class
Antithyroid drug
Therapeutic Actions
Inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism
Palliation of certain thyroid cancers
Contraindications and Cautions
Available Forms
Tablets—5, 10, 15, 20 mg
Initial dose, 15–60 mg/day PO in three equal doses every 8 hr. Maintenance dose, 5–15 mg/day PO.
Pediatric patients
Initially, give 0.4 mg/kg/day PO, followed by maintenance dose of approximately one-half the initial dose; actual dose is determined by the patient’s response. Alternatively, give initial dose of 0.4–0.7 mg/kg/day or 15–20 mg/m2/day PO in three divided doses, followed by maintenance dose of one-third to two-thirds of initial dose, starting when patient becomes euthyroid. Maximum dose is 30 mg/24 hr.