Maprotiline Hydrochloride

Maprotiline Hydrochloride

(ma proe’ ti leen)

Novo-Maprotiline (CAN), Teva-Maprotiline (CAN)


Drug class

Antidepressant (tetracyclic)

Therapeutic Actions

Mechanism of action unknown; appears to act similarly to TCAs; the TCAs act to inhibit the presynaptic reuptake of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine (primarily) and serotonin; anticholinergic at CNS and peripheral receptors; sedating; the relation of these effects to clinical efficacy is unknown.


  • Treatment of depressive illness in patients with depressive neurosis (dysthymic disorder)

  • Treatment of depression in patients with bipolar disorder (depressed type)

  • Treatment of anxiety associated with depression

  • Unlabeled use: Treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia

Available Forms

Tablets—25, 50, 75 mg



  • Mild to moderate depression: Initially, 75 mg/day PO in outpatients. Maintain initial dosage for 2 wk due to long drug half-life. Dosage may then be increased gradually in 25-mg increments. Most patients respond to 150 mg/day.

  • More severe depression: Initially, 100–150 mg/day PO in hospitalized patients. If needed, gradually increase in 25-mg increments to 225 mg/day.

  • Maintenance: Reduce dosage to lowest effective level, usually 75–150 mg/day PO.

Pediatric patients

Not recommended in patients younger than 18 yr.

Geriatric patients

Give lower doses to patients older than 60 yr; begin at 25 mg PO daily and gradually increase to 50–75 mg/day PO for maintenance.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Maprotiline Hydrochloride

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