

Diane Treat-Jacobson

Ulf G. Bronäs

Dereck Salisbury

Exercise is well recognized as a lifelong endeavor essential for energetic, active, and healthy living. In large, longitudinal studies in the United States and elsewhere it has been established that morbidity and mortality are reduced in physically fit individuals, compared with sedentary individuals (Samitz, Egger, & Zwahlen, 2011). Although the research supporting the benefits of exercise is substantial, it is often overlooked in the practice of conventional Western medicine.

Exercise, either alone or as an alternative or complementary therapy, has been linked to many positive physiological and psychological responses, from reduction in the stress response to an increased sense of well-being (Ehrman, Gordon, Visich, & Keteyian, 2008). Surprisingly, despite the tremendous benefits of exercise, it is an activity largely ignored by the general population. Indeed, in 1996 the U.S. Surgeon General issued a report identifying millions of inactive Americans as being at risk for a wide range of chronic diseases and ailments, including coronary heart disease (CHD), adult-onset diabetes, colon cancer, hip fractures, hypertension, and obesity. Since then, there have been numerous updates to that report. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) publication Healthy People 2020 (USDHHS-PAAC, 2008) continues to specify several objectives for improving health, including physical activity and exercise. These include reducing the percentage of adults who do not participate in any physical activity; increasing the percentage of adults who engage in moderate physical activity on most days of the week; and increasing the percentage of adults participating in vigorous exercise, as well as exercises to improve strength and flexibility. The physical activity
objectives in Healthy People 2020 reflect the strong state of science supporting the health benefit of exercise as indicated by the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee (USDHHS-PAAC, 2008). There are additional objectives related to physical activity and exercise habits of children and adolescents, including goals to increase participation in daily school physical education classes, increase physical activity in childcare settings, and reduce television and computer usage. The alarmingly low percentage of children participating in physical activity in school and outside of school (less than 27%) is reportedly contributing to the nation’s growing childhood obesity problem (National Research Council, 2011).

In 2007, the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) issued several updates (Haskell et al., 2007; Nelson et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2007) to the Surgeon General’s 1996 guidelines. This was followed in 2008 by a report and revised guidelines from the USDHHS Physical Activity Advisory Committee (USDHHS-PAAC, 2008), and again in 2011 by the ACSM (Garber et al., 2011). These updated guidelines are based on new data from several largescale trials completed since the 1996 report. It is important to recognize the role of exercise as a component of good health. Exercise must be an integral part of one’s personal lifestyle if it is to have optimum effects. During the past few decades, there has been an increase in the popularity of non-Western styles of exercise and physical activity, such as Qigong and the related movements in yoga and Tai Chi. These forms of exercise and physical activity also build on meditative moments and, as such, may provide a more enjoyable form of physical activity for older adults than walking exercise.

Maintaining physical fitness should be enjoyable and rewarding for persons of all ages and can contribute significantly to extending longevity and improving quality of life. Nurses’ knowledge of exercise and its application in multiple populations will assist in the delivery of expert nursing care. This chapter discusses the definition, physiological basis, and application of exercise as a nursing intervention in a variety of populations, along with specific cultural applications.


Better understanding of exercise physiology and the body’s response to various stages of physical activity will assist in the development of exercise programs appropriate for the individual and the goal of the exercise. The response of the body to exercise occurs in stages. The initial response to acute exercise is a withdrawal of parasympathetic stimulation of the heart through the vagus nerve. This results in a rapid increase in heart rate (HR) and cardiac output. The sympathetic stimulation occurs more slowly and becomes a dominant factor once HR is above approximately 100 beats per minute. Sympathetic stimulation is fully completed after approximately 10 seconds to 20 seconds, during which time a large sympathetic outburst occurs and the heart overshoots the rate needed, but then returns to the rate required for increased activity.

The brain stimulates the initial cardiovascular response together with impulses from muscles being exercised, and these impulses are sent to the brain; an increase in HR is initiated and the blood flow is shunted toward the exercising muscles (Astrand et al., 2004). During this phase, there is a sluggish adjustment of respiration and circulation, resulting in an O2 deficit; the initial energy needed by the exercising tissue is mainly fueled by the anaerobic metabolism of creatine phosphate and anaerobic glycolysis (glucose) (Jones & Poole, 2005).

As exercise continues, oxygen consumption (VO2) increases in a linear fashion in relation to the intensity of exercise. The increase in VO2 is caused by an increase in oxygen extraction by the working muscles and an
increase in cardiac output. Oxygen extraction by the working muscle tissues is approximately 80% to 85%, or a threefold increase from rest, in sedentary and moderately active individuals. This is caused by an increase in the number of open capillaries, thereby reducing diffusion distances and increasing capillary blood volume (Fletcher et al., 2001). Cardiac output is increased to meet the increased O2 demands of the working muscle. The increase in cardiac output is caused by increased stroke volume, which is due to an increase in ventricular filling pressure brought on by increased venous return and decreased peripheral resistance offered by the exercising muscles. Together with the withdrawal of parasympathetic stimulation and increases in sympathetic stimulation, the increase in HR further accentuates the increase in cardiac output as well as increased myocardial contractility (from positive inotropic sympathetic impulses to the heart) (Astrand et al., 2004). In normal individuals, cardiac output can increase four to five times, allowing for increased delivery of O2 to exercising muscle beds and facilitating removal of lactate, CO2, and heat. Respiration increases to deliver O2 and to allow for elimination of CO2. Blood pressure increases as a result of increased cardiac output and the sympathetic vasoconstriction of vessels in the nonexercising muscles, viscera, and skin. During this “steady state” exercise phase, O2 uptake equals O2 tissue requirement, aerobic metabolism of glucose and fatty acids occurs, and there is no accumulation of lactic acid.

As exercise becomes more strenuous, there is a shift toward anaerobic metabolism of glucose, resulting in increased production of lactic acid. The anaerobic threshold is a point during exercise at which ventilation abruptly increases despite linear increases in work rate. As exercise goes beyond steady state, the O2 supply does not meet the oxygen requirement, and energy is provided through anaerobic glycolysis and creatine phosphate breakdown. This increases proton release and phosphate accumulation, increasing acidosis (Robergs, Ghiasvand, & Parker, 2004; Westerblad, Allen, & Lannergren, 2002). Shortly beyond the anaerobic threshold, fatigue and dyspnea ensue and work ceases, coinciding with a significant drop in blood glucose levels. Exercise at a level that allows for aerobic metabolism and reduces the need for anaerobic metabolism and reliance on glucose metabolism as the primary fuel may delay onset of these biochemical changes.

Following cessation of exercise, there is a period of rapid decline in oxygen uptake followed by a slow decline toward resting levels. This slow phase of oxygen uptake return is termed excess postexercise oxygen consumption (LaForgia, Withers, & Gore, 2006). During this period, the body attempts to resynthesize used creatine phosphate, remove lactate, restore muscle and blood oxygen stores, decrease body temperature, return to resting levels of HR and BP (blood pressure), and lower circulating catecholamines (Astrand et al., 2004). It is important to facilitate this phase of exercise by performing a 5- to 10-minute cool-down.

Jul 14, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Exercise

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