Endotracheal Tube Care

Endotracheal Tube Care

The intubated patient requires meticulous care to ensure airway patency and prevent complications. Care includes repositioning the endotracheal (ET) tube daily to prevent skin and mucosal injury and repositioning the ET tube if it becomes partially dislodged or a chest X-ray shows improper placement.

After a patient has been successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation, the ET tube is usually removed. The patient should be able to ventilate adequately, with acceptable oxygenation levels, and be able to clear secretions independently. The condition that led to intubation should also be resolved.

Preparation of Equipment

Gather all equipment at the patient’s bedside. Set up the suction equipment. If appropriate, set up supplemental oxygen equipment. Have a handheld resuscitation bag with a mask available.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Endotracheal Tube Care

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