Dangerous Drug: Quinidine

Dangerous Drug: Quinidine

(qwin’ i deen)

Quinidine GluconateDNC

Quinidine SulfateDNC


Drug Classes



Therapeutic Actions

Type IA antiarrhythmic: Decreases automaticity in ventricles, decreases height and rate of rise of action potential, decreases conduction velocity, increases fibrillation threshold.


  • Treatment of atrial arrhythmias, paroxysmal or chronic ventricular tachycardia without heart block

  • Maintenance therapy after electrocardioversion of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter

  • Treatment of life-threat Plasmodium falciparum infections when IV therapy (quinidine gluconate) is indicated

Available Forms

Tablets—200, 300 mg; SR tabletsDNC—300, 324 mg; injection—80 mg/mL


Quinidine gluconate contains 62% anhydrous quinidine alkaloid. Quinidine sulfate contains 83% anhydrous quinidine alkaloid.


Administer a test dose of 200 mg PO or 200 mg IV to test for idiosyncratic reaction. Maintenance therapy, 200–300 mg tid or qid PO or 300–600 mg every 8 hr or every 12 hr if SR form is used.

  • Paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmias: 400–600 mg (sulfate) PO every 2–3 hr until paroxysm is terminated.

  • Conversion of atrial flutter/fibrillation: 648 mg (gluconate) PO every 8 hr; may increase after three to four doses if needed. Or 324 mg (gluconate) PO every 8 hr for 2 days, then 648 mg PO every 12 hr for 2 days, then 648 mg PO every 8 hr for up to 4 days. Or 5–10 mg/kg (gluconate) IV. For ER tablets, 300 mg (sulfate) PO every 8–12 hr; may increase dosage cautiously if serum levels are in therapeutic range. For immediate-release tablets, 400 mg (sulfate) PO every 6 hr; may increase dosage after four to five doses if conversion has not occurred.

  • Reduction of relapse: 324 mg (gluconate) PO every 8–12 hr. For ER tablets, 300 mg (sulfate) PO every 8–12 hr. For immediate-release tablets, 200 mg (sulfate) PO every 6 hr.

  • P. falciparum malaria: 24 mg/kg quinidine gluconate IV in 250 mL normal saline infused over 4 hr; then 12 mg/kg infused over 4 hr every 8 hr for 7 days (patients who are able can switch to same dosage of quinidine sulfate orally). Or, 10 mg/kg quinidine gluconate in 5 mL/Kg normal saline as a loading dose; then a maintenance infusion of 20 mcg/kg/min. Patient may switch to same oral dosage of quinidine sulfate every 8 hr for 72 hr or until parasitemia is decreased to 1% or less.

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Dangerous Drug: Quinidine

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