Dangerous Drug: Propafenone Hydrochloride

Dangerous Drug: Propafenone Hydrochloride

(proe paf’ a non)

Apo-Propafenone (CAN), Gen-Propafenone (CAN), Rythmol, Rythmol SRDNC


Drug Class


Therapeutic Actions

Class IC antiarrhythmic: Local anesthetic effects with a direct membrane stabilizing action on the myocardial membranes; refractory period is prolonged with a reduction of spontaneous automaticity and depressed trigger activity.


  • Treatment of documented life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias; reserve use for those patients in whom the benefits outweigh the risks

  • NEW INDICATION: Treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia associated with disabling signs and symptoms in patients who do not have structural heart disease

  • To prolong the time to recurrence of symptomatic atrial fibrillation in patients with structural heart disease (ER capsules)

  • Unlabeled use: Treatment of supraventricular tachycardias, including atrial fibrillation associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

Available Forms

Tablets—150, 225, 300 mg; ER capsulesDNC—225, 325, 425 mg



Adjust on the basis of response and tolerance. Initiate with 150 mg PO every 8 hr (450 mg/day). Dosage may be increased at a minimum of 3- to 4-day intervals to 225 mg PO every 8 hr (675 mg/day) and if necessary, to 300 mg PO every 8 hr (900 mg/day). Do not exceed 900 mg/day. Decrease dosage with significant widening of the QRS complex or with AV block; ER capsules—initially, 225 mg PO every 12 hr titrate at 5-day intervals to maximum 425 mg every 12 hr.

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Dangerous Drug: Propafenone Hydrochloride

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