Dangerous Drug: Potassium Salts

Dangerous Drug: Potassium Salts

(po tass’ ee um)

Potassium Acetate

Potassium Chloride

Oral: Apo-K (CAN), Cena-K, Effer-K, Gen-K, Kaon-Cl, Kaylixir, K-Dur 10, K-Dur 20, K-Lor, K-Tab, Klor-ConDNC, Klor-Con 8, Klor-Con 10DNC, Klor-Con M 10DNC, Klor-Con M 15DNC, Klor-Con M 20DNC, Klorvess, KlotrixDNC, K+ 10, Micro-K, ExtencapsDNC, Potasalan, Ten K

Injection: Potassium Chloride

Potassium Gluconate

Kaon, K-G Elixir, Tri-K


Drug Class


Therapeutic Actions

Principal intracellular cation of most body tissues, participates in a number of physiologic processes—maintaining intracellular tonicity; transmission of nerve impulses; contraction of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle; maintenance of normal renal function; also plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism and various enzymatic reactions.


  • Prevention and correction of potassium deficiency; when associated with alkalosis, use potassium chloride; when associated with acidosis, use potassium acetate, bicarbonate, citrate, or gluconate

  • IV: Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias due to cardiac glycosides

Available Forms

Liquids—20, 40 mEq/15 mL; powders—15, 20, 25 mEq/packet; effervescent tablets—20, 25, 50 mEq; CR tabletsDNC—8, 10, 15, 20 mEq; CR capsulesDNC—8, 10 mEq; tablets—99, 500, 595 mg; injection—2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90 mEq


Individualize dosage based on patient response using serial ECG and electrolyte determinations in severe cases.



  • Prevention of hypokalemia: 16–24 mEq/day PO.

  • Treatment of potassium depletion: 40–100 mEq/day PO.


Warning Do not administer undiluted. Dilute in dextrose solution to 40–80 mEq/L. Use the following as a guide to administration:

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Dangerous Drug: Potassium Salts

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