Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis

Life-threatening disorder


  • Chronic, progressive, inherited, incurable disease that affects exocrine (mucus-secreting) glands

  • Transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait

  • Genetic mutation involving chloride transport across epithelial membranes (more than 100 specific mutations of the gene identified)

  • Most common fatal genetic disease of White children

  • Twenty-five percent chance of transmission with each pregnancy when both parents are carriers of the recessive gene

  • Highest in people of northern European ancestry

  • Less common in Blacks, Native Americans, and people of Asian ancestry

  • Equally common in both sexes

  • Characterized by major aberrations in sweat gland, respiratory, and GI functions

  • Accounts for almost all cases of pancreatic enzyme deficiency in children

  • Clinical effects appearing soon after birth or taking years to develop

  • Death from pneumonia, emphysema, or atelectasis


  • Viscosity of bronchial, pancreatic, and other mucous gland secretions increases, obstructing glandular ducts.

  • Accumulation of thick, tenacious secretions in the bronchioles and alveoli causes respiratory changes, eventually leading to severe atelectasis and emphysema.

  • This disorder also causes characteristic GI effects in the intestines, pancreas, and liver.

  • Obstruction of the pancreatic ducts results in a deficiency of trypsin, amylase, and lipase; it prevents the conversion and absorption of fat and protein in the intestinal tract and interferes with the digestion of food and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

  • In the pancreas, fibrotic tissue, multiple cysts, thick mucus, and fat replaces the acini, producing signs of pancreatic insufficiency.


  • Autosomal recessive mutation of gene on chromosome 7

  • Causes of symptoms: increased viscosity of bronchial, pancreatic, and other mucous gland secretions and consequent destruction of glandular ducts

Assessment findings

Jul 20, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Cystic fibrosis

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