Bone Marrow Suppression

Bone Marrow Suppression

Kathy A. Shane

Brenda Shelton

I. Definition

A. Bone marrow suppression is one of the most common problems experienced by patients with cancer.

B. Bone marrow suppression is defined as a reduction in the production and maturation of all blood cell lines of the bone marrow resulting in leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia of the peripheral blood.

C. Hematopoiesis Review (see Figure 16-1)

1. Hematopoiesis begins in the yolk sac of the embryo by the third month, but by the end of the seventh month, the bone marrow throughout the body is the primary site of hematopoiesis.

2. By adulthood, hematopoiesis is normally confined to the proximal ends of long bones, and flat bones such as the sternum, vertebrae, ribs, ileum, and skull where the red bone marrow resides.

3. In certain disease states, the marrow can reexpand back into the long bones as well as the spleen and liver, known as extramedullary hematopoiesis.

4. Adults have 1.7 L of bone marrow comprised primarily of reticular tissues and hemopoietic progenitor cells.

5. The reticular tissue and hemocytoblasts form a framework of sinusoids that feed into the marrow drainage system and venous system of the body.

6. The reticular tissue provides support and nutrition for developing blood cells and secretes several colony-stimulating factors.

7. The hemocytoblast, or colony-forming unit, is the pluripotent stem cell.

a. Pluripotent stem cells express a surface protein or antigen, CD34, and have receptors for stem cell growth factors, which promotes their proliferation.

b. Once “committed,” the hemocytoblast becomes a progenitor cell for a specific hematopoietic cell line.

c. These cell lines are erythroid (red cells); granulocytic, monocytic, and lymphoid (white cells); and megakaryocytic (platelets).

d. Commitment, or differentiation and maturation, occurs due to the acquisition or loss of specific growth factor receptors and the action of cytokines.

8. Marrow function is tightly regulated to provide appropriate numbers and types of blood cells needed to meet the body’s physiologic requirements.

a. Glycoprotein hormones, or growth factors, regulate the proliferation, differentiation, maturation, and activation of progenitor and mature blood cells, and prevent apoptosis of them.

b. Each growth factor has a specific receptor and their presence on the cell surface varies with cell lineage and stage of differentiation.

c. Some hematopoietic growth factors include interleukins 1, 3, 5, and 6, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), stem cell factor (SCF), thrombopoietin, and erythropoietin.

9. Normally, mature blood cells, except for platelets, enter the bloodstream by migrating through the epithelial lining of the sinusoidal walls. Platelets are released directly from megakaryocytes, which form part of the sinusoidal wall.

II. Etiology:

More than 50% of cancer patients will experience bone marrow suppression during the course of their disease (Shelton, 2003). Like any rapidly dividing cell, the bone marrow is prone to injury. Bone marrow suppression can be related to the cancer itself, cancer treatment, comorbidities, other treatment modalities, or a combination of these factors.

A. Cancer-Induced Bone Marrow Suppression

1. Hematologic malignancies such as leukemias and multiple myeloma involve a defect of a specific blood cell type. Often, this results in overproduction of this cell type, usually with immature, poorly functioning cells; this overproduction results in overcrowding of the marrow compartment with suppression of other cell lines.

2. Lymphomas, which often present as extramedullary disease, can infiltrate the bone marrow leading to decreased function of the cell lines, particularly the lymphocytes.

3. Certain solid tumor malignancies infiltrate the bone marrow in the course of metastasis, most commonly breast and lung cancer.

B. Chemotherapy-Induced Bone Marrow Suppression

1. The organ most consistently and frequently affected by cancer chemotherapeutic agents is the bone marrow, and secondarily the peripheral blood cells.

2. The effect on stem cell lines is predictable based on the agent used.

3. The degree of bone marrow suppression desired or tolerated is a guide for what agent or combination of agents to use, as well as the dosage, the route of administration, and the frequency of administration.

4. A few chemotherapeutic agents affect the pluripotent stem cells, thereby affecting all cell lines; an example is the class of nitrosoureas. These agents tend to be noncycle active and result in the longest period of myelosuppression.

5. Most agents are cell-cycle active, phase nonspecific, such as anthracyclines and alkylators, resulting in a moderate degree of suppression; whereas others are phase specific, such as antimetabolites and vinca alkaloids. Such agents have the shortest degree of suppression.

6. The only chemotherapeutic agents that are completely nontoxic to bone marrow are steroidal hormones (Table 22-1).

7. The rate of proliferation of the three major cell lines, erythrocytes, platelets, and leukocytes, helps determine the severity of depression of that specific cell type.

TABLE 22-1 Myelosuppressive Chemotherapy Agents

Drug or Class

Type of Action

Degree of Myelosuppression

Nadir (days)

Duration of Myelosuppression (days)

Alkylating agents

Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle specific

















Antitumor antibiotics

Cell-cycle nonspecific



Cell-cycle specific





Cell-cycle specific





Cell-cycle nonspecific






Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle specific





Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle nonspecific




Nitrogen mustard

Cell-cycle nonspecific





Cell-cycle nonspecific




Plant alkaloids

Cell-cycle specific

Mild to moderate




Cell-cycle specific




Adapted from Perry, M. C. (Ed.). (2001). The chemotherapy source book (3rd ed., p. 562). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

8. Typically, erythrocytes have a half-life of 120 days, platelets have a half-life of 5 to 7 days, and granulocytes have a half-life of 6 to 8 hours.

a. Generally, leukopenia is the earliest indicator of bone marrow suppression but the quickest to recover.

b. Platelets have the longest nadir.

c. Red cells, with their long half-life, rarely present a serious problem unless a bleeding problem also exists.

9. In the past decade, use of hematopoietic growth factors (colony stimulating factors) has resulted in an earlier recovery of bone marrow cell lines. Their basic mechanism of action is to enhance stem cell differentiation and maturation (Shelton, Ashenbrenner & Shane, 2002).

C. Radiation-Induced Bone Marrow Suppression

1. Occurs after radiation therapy when:

a. The treatment field involves marrow-producing tissue.

b. Patients have received doses greater than 1,500 rads.

D. Miscellaneous reasons for bone marrow suppression, such as other disease states and treatment modalities, will be covered in the following sections on leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.

III. Patient management varies depending on the cell line predominantly affected.


I. Definition:

Leukopenia is defined as a reduced number of circulating leukocytes (white blood cells [WBC]).

A. The two major types of WBC are granulocytes and agranulocytes. Granulocytes include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. Agranulocytes include lymphocytes and monocytes. (See Table 22-2 for specific functions of white cells.)

TABLE 22-2 Types and Functions of Leukocytes and Complications That Present When Their Numbers Are Reduced

Type of Cell


Complication When Reduced or Absent




Bacterial infections


Allergic reactions, defense against parasites

Inadequate inflammatory responses, parasitic infections, dermatologic or pulmonary infections


Allergic reactions, inflammatory reactions

Inadequate inflammatory responses



Immunity (T cells and B cells)

Viral or opportunistic infections, cancer



Fungal infections

B. Neutropenia is defined as a decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood.

1. Neutropenia most often occurs in diseases involving bone marrow production, as a result of excess destruction by autoimmune mechanisms or certain marrow toxic treatments, or increased consumption during chronic illness. (See Box 22-1 for specific etiologies.)

a. A diminished number of neutrophils alters the body’s defenses against bacterial invaders.

b. There is some disagreement as to what constitutes neutropenia. Some argue that the condition occurs when the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 2,500 cells/mm3. Others define it as an ANC less than 1,000 cells/mm3. In patients with normal WBC counts, the higher, more conservative number is used to trigger infection precautions (Shelton, 2003).

C. Lymphocytopenia is defined as a reduction in the number of lymphocytes in the blood.

1. The suppression of T-lymphocyte function results in reduced ability to recognize foreign tissue, malignant cells, and viruses.

2. Lymphocytopenia is seen most commonly in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

a. The CD4 molecules destroyed by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are reflected in the helper lymphocyte count (also called T4 count, or absolute lymphocyte count).

b. AIDS is classified by the CD4 count and the presence of other defining clinical syndromes.

3. Other etiologies of lymphocytopenia:

a. Therapeutically induced to suppress rejection of a transplanted organ before, during, and after transplantation (see Chapter 5)

b. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids

c. Acquired phenomenon from other physical disorders, suchas intravenous (IV) drug use

d. Genetic abnormalities, such as congenital T-lymphocyte suppression

e. Hodgkin’s disease, which has been linked to familial tendencies, history of viral infection, or unknown congenital causes

f. Acquired specific immune system dysfunctions, such as viralinduced lymphoproliferative disorders. These syndromes may also cause T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

II. Patient Management

A. Assessment: The following are signs and symptoms of leukopenia:

1. Fever is the cardinal symptom of infection.

2. Other inflammatory symptoms (eg, swelling, erythema, pus formation) may not occur due to the lack of WBC.

3. Fatigue with or without infectious complications.

4. Organ-specific signs and symptoms of infection (Table 22-3) are the prevalent clinical presentations for leukopenia. Virtually all who are leukopenic for 21 days become infected, often being colonized by normal body flora.

B. Diagnostic Parameters: Serum tests are the only tests that can be used to detect leukopenia.

1. Total WBC count and differential determine whether there is an adequate number of WBCs to combat infection and mount inflammatory responses to injury. A low WBC count signals the probability of reduced neutrophil efficacy.

a. Normally, the total WBC count is 5,000 to 10,000 cells/mm3.

b. About 35 % to 75% of these cells are neutrophils.

2. The ANC is indicative of the number of neutrophils available to combat infection

a. It is calculated by using the WBC differential with the following formula:

Total number of WBC × % neutrophils = ANC


5,000 × 0.20 = 1,000

3. CD4 count reflects the absolute number of CD4 molecule-containing cells, which are primarily helper T lymphocyte cells, but also include monocytes (Shelton, 2001).

a. CD4 counts lower than 500/mm3 are considered significant.

b. CD4 counts are used to diagnose, plan treatment, and evaluate therapeutic response to treatment for AIDS.

C. Treatment: Leukopenia is best treated by reversing the underlying cause, if known, and by the administration of growth factors, cytokines, immune globulin, or granulocyte transfusions (Boxes 22-2, 22-3, and 22-4).

D. Nursing Diagnoses

TABLE 22-3 Organ-Specific Signs and Symptoms of Infection

Body System


Signs and Symptoms



Confusion, lethargy, difficulty arousing, headache, visual difficulty/photosensitivity, nausea, hypertension


Lethargy and somnolence, confusion, nuccal rigidity



Reddened conjunctiva, excess tearing of eye, puslike exudates from eye, blurred vision, swelling of eyelid, eye itching

Otitis media

Earache, difficulty hearing, itching inner ear, ear drainage


Discolored nasal mucus, nasal congestion, face pain, blurred vision

Oropharyngeal infection

Oral ulcerations or plaques, halitosis, reddened gums, abnormal papillae of the tongue, sore throat, difficulty swallowing


Swollen neck lymph glands, tender lymph glands, lump felt when swallowing



Persistent cough, sputum production, gurgles in upper airways, wheezes in upper airways, hypoxemia, hypercapnia


Chest discomfort pronounced with inspiration, persistent cough, sputum production, diminished breath sounds, crackles or gurgles, asymmetric chest wall movement, labored breathing, nasal flaring with breathing, hypoxemia


Chest discomfort pronounced with inspirtion; sides of chest painful to palpation, usually bilateral; splinting with deep breathing



Dysrhythmias, murmurs or gallops, elevated jugular venous pulsations, weak thready pulse, hypotension, point of maximal impulse shifted laterally


Aching, constant chest discomfort unrelieved by rest or nitrates, pericardial rub, muffled heart sounds


Dyspnea, chest discomfort, gallops, murmurs, altered mental status, septic emboli in the extremities.



Nausea, vomiting within 30 minutes of eating, heme positive emesis, aching stomach that is initially improved by eating


Greater than six loose stools per day, clay-colored stools, foul-smelling stools, abdominal cramping, abdominal distention


Epigastic discomfort, intolerance to high-fat meal, clay-colored stools, nausea and vomiting, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypoalbuminemia, increased lipase and amylase


Jaundice, right upper quadrant discomfort, hepatomegaly, elevated transaminases and bilirubin, fatty food intolerances, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea



Painful urination, difficulty urinating, itching of feeling genitourinary orifice


Small frequent urination (urinary urgency), of fullness of the bladder, suprapubic tenderness


Flank discomfort, oliguria, protein in urine


Itching of vaginal area, vaginal discharge



Joint discomfort, swollen and warm joints


Aching muscles, weakness


Superficial skin infection

Rashes; itching; raised or discolored skin lesions; open, draining skin lesions; patterns are unique to specific microorganism


Redness, warmth, and swelling of subcutneous tissue area; radiating pain from area toward middle of body

Hematologic immunologic


Low diastolic BP, headache, confusion, oliguria, decreased bowel sounds, warmth, flushing, positive blood cultures, adenopathy

Signs and symptoms presented here are unique features of each process and do not include the common constitutional signs and symptoms seen with all infections (eg, fever, chills, malaise, leukocytosis, positive tissue culture for microorganisms, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, adenopathy).

Shelton, B. K. (1996b). Immunologic disorders. In J. Hebra & M. M. Kuhn (Eds.). Manual of critical care nursing (pp. 221-225). Boston, MA: Little, Brown.

1. Potential for infection

a. Problem: Patients with reduced numbers or activity of WBCs are at risk for the development of life-threatening infections. The type of infecting organism will depend on which WBC activities are altered and other host risk factors. The signs and symptoms of infection in the immunocompromised host are subdued because there is insufficient WBC activity to produce the usual inflammatory symptoms.

b. Interventions

(1) Assess for signs and symptoms of infection (see Table 22-3) or sepsis/septic shock (Box 22-5).

(a) Monitor temperature every 2 to 4 hours (inpatient). Rectal temperatures are not advised due to the possibility of breaking the mucosal integrity.

(b) Observe all dressings daily for signs and symptoms of infection.

(c) Inspect all orifices (oral cavity, rectal area, urethra) every shift for evidence of localized infection.

(d) Inspect all excrement every shift for cloudiness, altered color, or odors that may signify infection.

(e) Assess for any localized pain; inspect painful area for erythema, swelling, exudate, or rebound tenderness of abdomen that may signal pocketed infection.

(f) Auscultate breath sounds at least every shift and report new adventitious sounds or diminished breath sounds that may herald pulmonary infection.

(g) Monitor WBC elevations for evidence of infections and response to interventions. If the WBC count is low, assess WBC total count and ANC daily.

(2) Control environmental risks of infection.

(a) Strict handwashing between patients and all procedures to reduce nosocomial infection.

(b) Follow universal precautions.

(c) Cohort neutropenic patients and do not assign with patients who are infected.

(d) Monitor visitors for any recent history of communicable disease and institute precautions as indicated.

(e) Clean all multipurpose equipment (eg, oximeter probes, noninvasive blood pressure (BP) cuffs, bedscale slings, infusion pumps, electronic thermometers) between patient use.

(f) Do not permit live flowers or standing water (eg, in vases) in the patient’s room because these may harbor bacteria.

(3) Implement patient care routines to prevent infections and to enhance immune system functioning.

(a) Bathe patient and change linen daily; perform oral care three to four times daily and perineal care twice daily.
Minimize use of lotions and deodorants, which enhance bacterial growth.

(b) Ensure that nutritional needs are being met.

(c) Protect the patient from consuming possibly contaminated foods by labeling all foods brought from home to be discarded in 1 to 2 days. Avoid commercial foods with meat, seafood, eggs, or mayonnaise. Clean fresh fruits and vegetables before giving them to the patient. Some institutions require a “cooked food diet,” in which only foods previously cooked are permitted—no fresh fruits or vegetables, nuts, or unprocessed herbs are permitted; patients drink only bottled water and processed beverages. This practice has not been validated by research (Shelton, 2003).

(d) Ensure that sleep needs are being met.

(e) Control glucose levels so unintentional hyperglycemia does not occur (hyperglycemia compromises phagocytic activities that fight infection).

(f) Use sterile technique for inserting and dressing IV catheters. Dressings should be changed at least every 24 hours if site is draining, less frequently if site is dry and dressing is occlusive.

(g) Cover all open wounds with a sterile dressing. Skin abrasions may be treated with antimicrobial ointment and
dressings—or open air, provided that frequent cleansing is performed.

(h) Encourage incentive spirometry or deep breathing and coughing.

(i) Encourage ambulation if patient is physically able, or turn bedridden patients every 2 to 4 hours to prevent skin breakdown and atelectasis.

(j) If building construction is occurring, consider applying a mask on the patient during intrahospital transport. If hepa-filtration or other airflow protection is provided to patients while in the unit and building air systems are old, masks may be considered for transport of these patients as well.

(k) Avoid stopcocks in hospital IV systems; use closed injection-site systems.

(l) Change IV tubing every 96 hours if a closed system is maintained. More frequent changes are advocated if the line is open, or blood or total parenteral nutrition has been administered through the tubing.

(m) Consider closed endotracheal tube suction systems, provided there is an in-line flush port to clean the catheter after each use.

(n) Change oxygen set-ups that have standing water (eg, nasal cannula) every 24 hours.

(4) Institute rapid treatment measures for suspected infections.

(a) For first fever or new fever, perform routine culture and assessment activities as indicated or ordered before initiation of antimicrobial therapy. New fever is defined as one that exceeds 38.3°C initially or after 72 hours on an antibiotic regimen. A temperature of 38.0°C on two separate occasions at least 4 hours apart may also be considered a new fever (Shelton, 2003). Box 22-6 lists the routine culture and assessment functions that should be performed.

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