Balsalazide Disodium

Balsalazide Disodium

(bal sal’ a zyde)

Colazal, Giazo


Drug class


Therapeutic Actions

Mechanism of action is unknown; thought to be direct, delivered intact to the colon; a local anti-inflammatory effect occurs in the colon where balsalazide is converted to mesalamine (5-ASA), which blocks cyclooxygenase and inhibits prostaglandin production in the colon.


  • Treatment of mildly to moderately active ulcerative colitis (capsules)

NEW INDICATION: Treatment of males 18 yr and older with mild to moderately severe ulcerative colitis (tablets)

Available Forms

Capsules—750 mg; tablets—1.1 g



Three 750-mg capsules PO tid for a total daily dose of 6.75 g. Continue for up to 12 wk. For male adults, three 1.1-g tablets PO bid for a total daily dose of 6.6 g for up to 8 wk.

Pediatric patients 5–17 yr

Three 750-mg capsules PO tid (6.75 g/day) with or without food for 8 wk, or one 750-mg capsule PO tid (2.25 g/day) with or without food for up to 8 wk. Tablets are not recommended.

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Jul 20, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Balsalazide Disodium

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